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"The human heart is deceitful and desperately wicked.
Who really knows how bad it is?" Jeremiah 17:9

The human heart. The most important organ in your body. We see the heart shapes on Valentines day. A child colors a heart for a parent. A heart, in this world symbolizes peace and love. The bible says differently:

"For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery,
all other sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander. These are
what defile you!" Matthew 15:19-20

Jesus says that the heart is what defiles a man! He says that from the heart comes lust, evil thoughts and lying. We do it all the time. We think of a beautiful woman that had walked by. We call in sick from work to go skiing. We think of stealing our neighbors paper. The heart is black. It's not always full of love, but it can be. How you ask? Maybe you should ask who. Who? Jesus. When God saw the hearts of men, he sent his Son. When Jesus died on that cross he defeated the evil things of the heart. No human being could ever overcome the heart. When you accept Jesus into your life and believe in Him, two things happen. One, he cleanses your heart with forgiveness.

"Wherever your treasure is, there your heart
and thoughts will be." Matthew 6:21

God knows what is in your heart, he says in Jeremiah 17: 10
"I, the Lord, search all hearts and examine secret motives."

He knows your heart. He sees our thoughts and motives. Kind of unsettling? He knows what I was thinking yesterday at 4:31 p.m. when I was asked to do a chore. I bet you it wasn't very holy either. He wants our hearts to be clean and purified. This can only happen when our treasure is Jesus. When our eyes our fixed on the kingdom of God our hearts will have to follow. He created us and cares for us and wants us to be clean, not just on the outside but from the inside. He wants us clean from our guilt and anger. He wants to clear out the lonely memories and replace our hearts with joy. Pray that he would cleanse your heart and make it pure before the Lord. He has forgiven you and your heart has been cleansed. The second point is that Jesus wants to dwell in your heart.

"And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home
in your hearts as you trust him." Ephesians 3:17

At this scripture, I'm thinking YA RIGHT! Why would a holy God want to dwell in my deceitful heart. Even if he did, it would be pretty cramped as far as leg room. The Lord, wants to dwell in you. When you died with Christ you become one with Christ. He is abiding in you. He's in the house of your heart. When you sin, Jesus knows. He finds that hidden door. He continually searches for the dark corners of your heart. Why? He wants to help you clean it up. You know that closet, with all those hidden lies no one knew about? Jesus knows where it is. Unless, you let him into the closet he'll never be able to clean it. Sure its painful to have him look at it. But since he's living in your heart he will find out soon enough. He won't condemn you but he will hand you a broom while he holds the dust pan.

"I stand at the door and knock." Revelation 3:20

Let Him in on the whole you. He died for the good and the bad things you've done. He knows already, but he's waiting for you to speak. To open that closet door and let Him assess the situation. He's at the door. Do you want Him to finally help clean up the closet of the past? He's knocking, it's for you. Let Him live in your heart. I'll leave you two alone, I'm going home to clean out one of my closets. To make it a Home fit for a King.

Site design by:
Jon Piper